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Topic: Workshop on the event database of Tourismus Marketing Brandenburg
Culture Workshop

6.4.22, 17:00
the cultural triangle in Dahme-Spreewald has started! The project, which is funded for three years as part of the "Cultural Anchor Points" program of the state of Brandenburg, spans the region at the locations Luckau, Lieberose and Halbe.
Among other things, we would like to support the cultural actors of the region in making their activities visible as well as in networking and format development. To this end, we invite you to a cultural workshop alternately at all three locations as well as online as an opportunity for open discussion and further networking as well as with changing thematic focuses.
We would like to start with a workshop on the event database of Tourismus Marketing Brandenburg GmbH, which is available on various platforms (reiseland-brandenburg.de, spreewald.de, DB regio, ADAC, etc.) as well as on our own homepages and can be used by any municipality, association, etc.. There your event / institution will be visible to a large audience.
We mediate in this workshop:
How does my event get into this database?
How does my studio / institution get into this database?
How can I make the event entries visible on my homepage?
Guests will be representatives of the tourist information and tourism associations, who can also take over the data maintenance.
Dates, 7 p.m. each:
April 6 - Esperanto-Stacio Halbe
20 April - Darre Lieberose
4. May - culture church Luckau
May 18 - Online: https://meet.jit.si/halbewelt
Starting in June, we are planning a workshop series on the topic of grant acquisition. We will welcome a guest from the ranks of the funding agencies in each case. We would also like to give one actor each the opportunity to present his/her idea / draft application on site and discuss it together.
Dates, 7 p.m. each:
June 1 - Esperanto-Stacio Halbe
15 June - Darre Lieberose
29 June - culture church Luckau
July 6 - Online: https://meet.jit.si/halbewelt
Registration is requested under this link: https://forms.gle/45L6Vg7S2MfdZZZH7