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Ludo 2022

Ludo 2022

14.10.22, 10:00


17.10.22, 10:00

Ludo is an event held at the Esperanto-Stacio in Halbe (just outside Berlin) on 14-17 October 2022. This will be an extended videogame weekend in which we'll play everything from modern to retro game systems. For example, we'll play VR together on the Oculus Quest 2 as well as cloud gaming on Google Stadia and even offer a 2-player modern dance pad experience similar to Dance Dance Revolution. As for retro, we'll have systems from Pong to Wii. We also have a 4K projector on a 100" screen for an epic local multiplayer gaming experience that's hard to get anywhere else!

For more information, registration, and schedule: 

Bahnhofstraße 30, 15757, Halbe
+49 176 24714203

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The project "Establishment of a rural cultural hub in the train station buildings of Halbe (LDS)" is supported by the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Energy with funds from the European Social Fund and the State of Brandenburg.

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