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Dive into a Weekend of Videogame Bliss from September 6-9, 2024
LUDO 2024

6.9.24, 15:00
9.9.24, 10:00
Ludo is an event held at the Esperanto-Stacio in Halbe (just outside Berlin) on 6-9 September 2024. This will be an extended videogame weekend in which we'll play everything from modern to retro game systems. For example, we'll play VR together on the Oculus Quest 3 and local multiplayer on the Xbox Series S. Enjoy a 2-player modern dance pad experience similar to Dance Dance Revolution. As for retro, we'll have systems from Pong to Nintendo GameCube. We also have a 4K projector on a 100" screen for an epic local multiplayer gaming experience that's hard to get anywhere else!
For more information, visit Ludo's website at
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